Level 2 Defensive Driver Training

All employees who operate a vehicle on a monthly basis on behalf of KSU or to transport other people (students, guests or others) regardless of frequency, on behalf of KSU are required to complete this course.

This is the six hour National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course is recognized by the State of Georgia and is free of charge to KSU employees. Upon successful completion of the course, the participant receives an official Certificate of Completion from the National Safety Council which he or she may also submit to their personal auto insurance carrier for possible premium discounts. Please contact your insurance agent to determine if discounts apply to your policy (for  instance State Farm offers a 10% discount).
This classroom course is offered monthly. To register for this course, go to OwlTrain and search for Defensive Driving. Select the date you wish to attend and enroll online.

If you have a large group of employees in your department in need of this course and would like to set up a class at your location, contact:

Office of Insurance and Risk Management (IRM)
Email: riskmanagement@kennesaw.edu 
Phone: 470.578.2599
Cell: 404.558.1572
